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Volkswagen Keys
We understand how stressful losing your Volkswagen keys and being locked out of your vehicle can be. The Volkswagen dealership may take up to a week to order your key after paying the cost of towing.
That's why we provide convenient and dependable service from our mobile locksmith shop so you can have your brand new Volkswagen fob today.
We will help you get back to your routine without the hassle of going to the dealership.

We cover most models up to 2020. Whether you need a key fob for a Passat or Tiguan with push-to-start ignition or a remote flip key for a Jetta. We have the right OEM key and reprogramming equipment for your Volkswagen.
Volkswagen is German craftsmanship at it's finest. Let Denver Auto Lock provide you with the best possible service
Lost remote flip key replacement packages start at $285
Ignition or steering lock replacement $435 (includes new parts)
Ignition or steering lock rebuild $335
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